Hyperbaric hydrogen therapy: A possible treatment for cancer

F.R. Wilson, M. Dole, W.P. Fife

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DOI: 10.1126/science.1166304 DOI is the universal ID for this study.

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Hairless albino mice with squamous cell carcinoma were exposed to a mixture of 2.5 percent oxygen and 97.5 percent hydrogen at a total pressure of 8 atmospheres for periods up to 2 weeks in order to see if a free radical decay catalyzer, such as hydrogen, would cause a regression of the skin tumors. Marked aggression of the tumors was found, leading to the possibility that hyperbaric hydrogen therapy might also prove to be of significance in the treatment of other types of cancer.

Publish Year 1975
Country United States
Rank Positive
Journal Science
Primary Topic Skin
Secondary TopicCancer
Model Mouse
Tertiary TopicOncogenesis
Vehicle Gas
pH N/A
Application Inhalation