NIR-photocatalytic regulation of arthritic synovial microenvironment

Bin Zhao, Danyang Chen, Guanglin Li, Lingting Zeng, Qianjun He, Songqing Xie, Wei Tang, Zhaokui Jin

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DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abq0959 DOI is the universal ID for this study.

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Synovial microenvironment (SME) plays a vital role in the formation of synovial pannus and the induction of cartilage destruction in arthritis. In this work, a concept of the photocatalytic regulation of SME is proposed for arthritis treatment, and monodispersive hydrogen-doped titanium dioxide nanorods with a rutile single-crystal structure are developed by a full-solution method to achieve near infrared-photocatalytic generation of hydrogen molecules and simultaneous depletion of overexpressed lactic acid (LA) for realizing SME regulation in a collagen-induced mouse model of rheumatoid arthritis. Mechanistically, locally generated hydrogen molecules scavenge overexpressed reactive oxygen species to mediate the anti-inflammatory polarization of macrophages, while the simultaneous photocatalytic depletion of overexpressed LA inhibits the inflammatory/invasive phenotypes of synoviocytes and macrophages and ameliorates the abnormal proliferation of synoviocytes, thereby remarkably preventing the synovial pannus formation and cartilage destruction. The proposed catalysis-mediated SME regulation strategy will open a window to realize facile and efficient arthritis treatment.

Publish Year 2022
Country China
Rank Positive
Journal Science Advances
Primary Topic Bone
Secondary TopicRheumatoid Arthritis
Model Mouse
Tertiary TopicSurgery/Transplantation
Vehicle Gas
pH N/A
Application In Vivo Biotic Production