Electrochemically Reduced Water Delays Mammary Tumors Growth in Mice and Inhibits Breast Cancer Cells Survival In Vitro

Andrea Modesti, Elena Ambrosin, Giovanni Vanni Frajese, Ivan Dus, Loredana Albonici, Maria Gabriella Giganti, Maurizio Mattei, Monica Benvenuto, Roberta Bernardini, Roberto Bei, Rosanna Mattera, Saverio Giampaoli, Vittorio Manzari

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DOI: 10.1155/2018/4753507 DOI is the universal ID for this study.

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Electrochemical reduced water (ERW) has been proposed to have beneficial effects on human health due to its rich content of H 2 and the presence of platinum nanoparticles with antioxidant effects. Many studies have demonstrated that ERW scavenging properties are able to reduce the damage caused by oxidative stress in different experimental models. Although few in vivo studies have been reported, it has been demonstrated that ERW may display anticancer effects by induction of tumor cells apoptosis and reduction of both angiogenesis and inflammation. In this study, we show that ERW treatment of MCF-7, MDA-MB-453, and mouse (TUBO) breast cancer cells inhibited cell survival in a time-dependent fashion. ERW decreased ErbB2/ neu expression and impaired pERK1/ERK2 and AKT phosphorylation in breast cancer cells. In addition, ERW treatment induced apoptosis of breast cancer cell lines independently of the status of p53 and ER and PR receptors. Our in vivo results showed that ERW treatment of transgenic BALB- neu T mice delayed the development of mammary tumors compared to the control. In addition, ERW induced a significant prolongation of tumor-free survival and a reduction in tumor multiplicity. Overall, these results suggest a potential beneficial role of ERW in inhibiting cancer cells growth.

Publish Year 2018
Country Italy
Rank Positive
Journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Primary Topic Breast
Secondary TopicCancer
Model Mouse
Tertiary TopicOncogenesis
Vehicle Water (Electrolysis)
pH Alkaline
Application Ingestion