“Nordenau Phenomenon” – Application of Natural Reduced Water to Therapy

Sanetaka Shirahata, Takeki Hamasaki, Zbigniew Gadek

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DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4020-9646-4_41 DOI is the universal ID for this study.

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This prospective observation study examines changes in the relevant tests parameters of 411 diabetes patients drinking natural reduced water from the “Nordenau Spring”, as well as a correlation of these changes with the fluctuation of the reactive oxygen species in their blood. The average age of the test persons is 71.5 years and the daily consumption of reduced water is as much as two liters. The average duration of stay in Nordenau is 6 days. The diagnostic parameters such as blood sugar, HbA1c, cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and serum creatinine concentration are tested twice - at the beginning and at the end of the participants stay in Nordenau. Additionally a random sample of reactive oxygen species in the blood of 136 patients is taken in order to find out its possible causal connections to the diabetes relevant test parameters.HbA1c has been considered as the substantial test parameter in order to break down the whole group into responder and non-responder categories. One hundred and eighty six tested persons or 45% of the total have been assigned to the responder group, meaning that the patients’ HbA1c and blood sugar improved significantly. Furthermore we evaluated among the responder group a portion of patients who in the same time significantly improved their cholesterol, LDL, HDL and serum creatinine concentration average value. This stage of our follow up study regarding type II diabetes patients estimates number needed to treat on four patients in order to achieve the significant improvement of all diabetes relevant parameters. This is a very good quotient; moreover it could be achieved entirely without side effects. The significant improvement of diabetes relevant parameters like blood fats and creatinine can be also beneficial to other diseases like high blood pressure, circulatory disturbance, renal insufficiency or atherosclerotic dementia. In addition to our previous tests, we administered to a random sample group of 136 patients a blood free oxygen radicals test (FORT). The test resulted in a decrease of the ROS of 70.6% of the group or 96 patients. Taking account of the fact that the natural reduced water as well as the electrolyzed reduced water obviously improves in a very short time and entirely without side effects very important metabolic parameters, it can be said that the reduced water shall be considered a useful supplement to the usual orthodox medication of ROS-associated diseases.

Publish Year 2008
Country Germany
Rank Positive
Journal Animal Cell Technology: Basic and Applied Aspects
Primary Topic Whole Body
Secondary TopicDiabetes (Type II)
Model Human
Tertiary TopicOxidative Stress
Vehicle Water, Commercial (Nordenau)
pH Alkaline
Application Ingestion